opening to the possibilities of christmas - 1st sunday advent C 2018

Today we start what the church calls the Christmas Cycle.  The Christmas cycle helps us to remember two very important aspects of our faith in Jesus – first his birth when he became man and lived among us.  And second his promise that he will come again in glory. Oftentimes we just remember his birth but we forget that part when Christ will come again.
This Christmas cycle is composed of two parts.  First is Advent. This season is composed of 4 weeks beginning today December 2 until December 24.  This is the period of preparation.  From here it will be followed by the Season of Christmas from December 25 onwards until Epiphany in January 6.

Today we start the preparation.  There are four Sundays to prepare us before Christmas, but this Sunday is most important.  Why?  Because Jesus is doing something basic.  Jesus wants us to believe in the magic of Christmas.  Jesus wants to restore our sight so that we can see the wonders of Christmas.  Jesus wants to bring back a mind and an imagination that will once again believe in the fantastic promises of Christmas.  And Jesus wants to restore a heart and a resolve that will have the persistence to work for the miracles of Christmas.
To make a fantastic promise the prophets would begin saying In those days.  In those days Jeremiah said, Judah will be safe and Jerusalem will be secure.  And yet that place has been at war since King David wrestled it from the Jebusites until today.  And now it has been promised safety and security and peace.  
Despite the killings and mass shootings, Americans hold on to their guns protected by the constitution.  But in those days Isaiah said, in those days these implements of war will be hammered into pruning hooks and turned into ploughshares, used instead to provide food that will feed the hungry of the world.  Another fantastic promise of Christmas.  
Even when nations are in tumult Jesus says, hold your heads high, stand erect you are being saved.  - Jesus trains our eyes, he hones our hearts, he forms our will to believe in the magic of Christmas - to the possibility of a barren wife becoming pregnant, to a virgin bearing a son who will become savior of the  world, to myriads of angels singing the Gloria, to shepherds adoring their savior in a stable, to wise men from the east coming to adore the king guided only by a star, to the son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.  The magic of Christmas.  If only we have eyes to the possibilities which God has in store for us.
This Sunday if we cannot open ourselves to these possibilities, if we cannot open ourselves to receive the miracles of Christmas, then nothing will come out of this, just another calorie laden Christmas.  And the only surprise that this year’s Christmas could offer is that new tie you got from Kris Kringle.  And the only wow we would ever utter this season is when we open a box with another new gadget.  And the only fantastic thing that would occur is the delivery of a new television set.
No. There is more!  Ask yourself - What possibilities will I open my heart to this Christmas?  What capacities can I harness in myself in order to overcome something I need to straighten out in my life?  What will I dare myself to do and become, something which I hesitated, something I was afraid to even try?  Can it be a reconciliation I never thought would happen?  Is it a vice I need to put a stop to?  Is it a good I keep on postponing?  Is it a decision I am afraid to face?  Jesus is telling us, believe in the miracles of Christmas, believe in its magic, believe in its possibilities, for in those days God will do great things for us.
