o wisdom of God - december 17 2018

Our God is a God of surprises.  In our first reading Judah becomes the inheritor of the Messianic promises and not Reuben who is supposedly the first born.  In our gospel 5 women entered into the list of ancestry of Jesus, and Jewish ancestry does not supposedly include women.  Of the 5 one was a foreigner and therefore gentile, one was a victim of incest, another was a victim of adultery and still another was an outright prostitute and lastly one was a virgin, a virgin who by the way will bear a child. God is a God of surprises - one can never fully understand how God intervenes and direct our lives and the life of his people.  

Today we also start what we call the O antiphons recited in the gospel acclamation, the alleluia verse on the last seven days before Christmas.  These antiphons start with the exclamatory O. Today’s antiphon says - O Wisdom of our God Most High,guiding creation with power and love:come to teach us the path of knowledge!  
O wisdom of our God most high.  We trust in Jesus who is the wisdom of God, and though we may not always understand his ways, yet we know that he guides creation, he is guiding our life with power and love. That is knowledge enough – that he guides our lives with power and lover.  And so, we pray that he will come to teach us the ways of God.
