to be missionary - 25th week monday

"No one who lights a lamp conceals it with a vesselor sets it under a bed;rather, he places it on a lampstandso that those who enter may see the light.”
This is one of the gospel passages that fired up the missionaries from the different ages of the church to go to the whole world to proclaim the message of salvation to all peoples.  Beginning with the apostles until now the lighted lamp of God’s word is placed on a lampstand for all to see, for all to receive the light who is Christ.  Many of these missionaries suffered opposition and many had to offer their lives in martyrdom for the work of spreading the gospel. The light cannot be kept hidden, and since day 1 of the church, people have labored to spread this light all over the world.

Today we too are invited to do our share.  It may not be comparable to the efforts of these missionaries but just the same it is an effort to put the lighted lamp for all to see.  The light of Christ has to be shared by the witness of our lives. It should light every dark part of this world beginning with our family, in our places of work, and in our neighborhood. This month the parish is joining in the campaign for support for churches in Central and eastern Europe – places where for many years communism has tried to extinguish the light of Christ.  Now little by  little with our support the light is being reintroduced.
The missionary endeavor is not an added responsibility the disciples of Christ but is essentially part of keeping the faith.  A faith that is not missionary is a lamp that is hidden under the bed.  It is useless and it is dead.
