psalm 16: nobody, nobody but you (clap,clap,clap) -19th week saturday
This is psalm 16 – you
are my happiness, you are my portion and cup, you it is who hold fast my lot. So, its nobody, nobody but you. This is a song of the Levites, the tribe of
priests. They are the only tribe among
the 12 tribes nga wala gintagaan sang bahin sa promised land. Land is income, land is security, land is
stability in life. The Levites don't
have land. Instead they live dependent
on the charity of their brothers, for their only portion, their only concern and their only joy is in the service of the Lord. Their only happiness is the Lord.
Amo ni ang problema
sang aton ohana kon ang iban sa aton la-in ang ila happiness. Kon lain imo happiness then your concern,
your priorities becomes different and sooner or later there will be conflicts
in interest and in priorities in our little ohana. But the Levites have no land precisely because
they have only one overriding concern, and that is God and his interest – thus "nobody,
nobody but you."
Tanan kita sooner or
later, one way or the other, may mga attractions which we have to face and deal
with. Sa mga may girlfriend da I would
just like to remind you nga tanan kita magalaw-ay eventually– samtang nagadugay ikaw
magalaw-ay, ang girlfriend mo magalaw-ay.
Siling ni St. Augustine only God is "beauty ever ancient ever new." Thus Psalm 16, "nobody, nobody but you," clap, clap, clap.
Siling ni St. Augustine only God is "beauty ever ancient ever new." Thus Psalm 16, "nobody, nobody but you," clap, clap, clap.