psalm 129: happy the man - 18th week thursday
we reflect on Psalm 129. In this psalm
we hear a beatitude – blessed or happy is the man who fears the Lord. What does fearing the Lord mean? The psalm gives immediately the definition – those
who fear the Lord are those who find joy and happiness in observing the
commandments of God. They find happiness
and contentment in the observance of moral law, their conscience is at peace.
effect of finding delight and happiness in the observance of God's commands
becomes also the basis for posterity and blessings in the person's life and
that of his family. Kon areglado gani
ang kalag, areglado man ang pangabuhi kag pagsinalayo. Kon gamo ang kalag, nagagamo man ang kabuhi,
pati ang negosyo kag palangabuhian. One
may not be rich but a person who finds happiness in doing God's commands will
always feel blessed. This has been
always an experience in the anointing of the sick. When the soul is ordered, the body follows,
if not healing at the very least one experiences peace – daw nagamag-an ang
129 gives us a beatitude - happy the man
who fears the Lord.