psalm 136: enduring forever - 19th week friday
Amo na ang difficulty naton sa aton ohana, kay ang aton iya
love indi committed love, indi steadfast and faithful love. Diri kita
naga-gamo. Naga-love each other kita kon
sadya, love kita kon hapos, love kita kon wala demand. Pero kon naga-amat-amat budlay nga budlay dira
man nagabug-at ang isa kag isa.
Mabatyagan na na naton subong, indi bala? Bisan ang grade 11 nga excited pa anay, bored
na. Ang ginsugoran nga sadya indi na
masyado kasadya. Here faithfulness is
tested and as it is tested it is made to grow.
Are we faithful as God is faithful? Tandaan mo ang test sang pagkapari is not –
is he popular with the people, does he give good homilies, does he have good
pastoral programs. Dala man ina. Pero the most important question is – is he a
faithful priest?
Remember Mother Teresa?
The Lord calls us not to be successful but to be faithful. And faithful means enduring forever.