Today we read psalm
117. It is the shortest psalm with only
two verses, its message is very concise, very brief but still it is most
relevant. Last Sunday I reflected on the
one thing necessary to remind us of the essentials in our life and in our faith
that we tend to forget. Bombarded by so many concerns and by a
thousand complexities in our life, in our education and in formation, we often
forget the essentials. Psalm 117 bids us
not to forget something essential in our life of faith. And what is that? The duty to pray. Psalm 117 is exhorting us
to pray. And this experience of prayer must
not remain merely personal but must be shared and radiated to others, and even
to all nations. In a sense also it is
exhorting us to give witness to a life of prayer.
Why, why should we pray,
why be prayerful? Psalm 117 gives us the
reason - because God's love is steadfast and God is faithful.
Oftentimes this psalm is
read in the feast of an apostle. Why? Because this psalm speaks of the mission of
the apostle – he is to draw all people to pray to God who is steadfast in his
love and faithful to his people. The
apostle is first and foremost a witness to a life of prayer.
If we cannot teach
prayer, if we cannot form prayerful persons, if we cannot draw people to
prayer, then we are not apostles.