wisdom is a woman - death mabunay
Our first reading is from the book of Sirach. It speaks about wisdom. If you notice whenever ben Sirach speaks of wisdom he refers to it in feminine terms. Those who serve her …. those who love her ….He who obeys her ….he who hearkens to her …. It is said that Wisdom is most often portrayed in the bible as a woman. And I believe it is so, for most often, our experience of wisdom comes from our mothers and grandmothers.
Our first reading begins by saying – “Wisdom breathes life into her childrenand admonishes those who seek her.” Fathers are usually practical in their approach and answers to life’s many questions, but mothers are deeper, more spiritual, able to bring in the feelings of the heart and the insights of the spirit.
That is why when a father gives advice he is direct and short, but mothers give a mouthful, for wisdom as our first reading attests admonishes, because in reality, life is a little bit more complex than just a mere direct and short reply.
Then our reading says - He who loves her, loves life; those who seek her will be embraced by the Lord. In the Filipino home we all owe our faith to the women, most especially the elderly women, our mothers, our grandmothers. They are the ones who taught us to pray and prod us to church. Indeed those who heed their mothers and grandmothers will be embraced by the Lord.
That is why when a father gives advice he is direct and short, but mothers give a mouthful, for wisdom as our first reading attests admonishes, because in reality, life is a little bit more complex than just a mere direct and short reply.
Then our reading says - He who loves her, loves life; those who seek her will be embraced by the Lord. In the Filipino home we all owe our faith to the women, most especially the elderly women, our mothers, our grandmothers. They are the ones who taught us to pray and prod us to church. Indeed those who heed their mothers and grandmothers will be embraced by the Lord.
Today you lost a grandmother and a mother. But our first reading says, If one trusts her, he will possess her;his descendants too will inherit her.
Indeed her physical presence will be missed. But remember you possess her, she lives in you, and by living in you, your descendants too will inherit her. Wisdom is timeless. Wisdom is eternal. Wisdom cannot die for she continues to live in you as she will continues to live in your children and in your descendants. God bless Teresita, God has bless us through Teresita.