the desire to do more for god - 8th week mon 2019
Even though the rich young man went away sad when he heard the invitation of Jesus, we can already sense the generosity of his heart, his readiness to help, his eagerness to answer the call to walk the extra mile. Amo lang ni, ano pa gid?
I believe this is one attitude we need to develop in our catholic communities today. There are already so many good Catholics in our parish – they do their duty as catholics, they live the commandments of God, they live the faith. In short like the rich young man we are good.
But the gospel is not about the good Catholics. This gospel is about the good Catholics who dare to ask the Lord, Lord, ano pa gid,revealing thatdesire to do more for God and not just to be content in fulfilling what is required.
This is what makes us holy because holiness is never content with what is. Those who love are never content with just the minimum requirement. St Marie Eugenie said it well, “Love never says I have done enough.” This too is the challenge of Jesus to all of us.