the good we do not for Jesus but to Jesus - 1st week of lent monday 2019

Today in the first week of lent we are reminded that the good we do to the least and the needy is a good not done for Jesus but to Jesus.  And it follows too that omitting to do the good to the least and the needy is an omission done not for Jesus but to Jesus.  This mystery of Christ in the needy and the least is further expanded in the experience of St. Paul when he was still persecuting the Christians, when on the road to Damascus, the Lord asked him, Saul, Saul why are you persecuting me.  Saul’s persecution was not against Christians, in fact Saul was persecuting Christ in every Christian he persecutes.

What is being formed in us today is not to do the good that needs to be done to the needy among us.  That will follow later.  The world is already full of charitable people and charitable organizations all serving the needs of the needy.  What is being formed in us by the gospel is our way of looking.  Can we see the needy as Christ?  When we look at the hungry what do we see – do we see just a hungry person or a hungry Christ?  When we look at the prisoner do we see a criminal or do we see Christ?  When we see a homeless person what do we see, a homeless person or a homeless Christ?  We are forming and training our eyes to look in the manner, in the way Jesus wants us to look at a person in need. Again lent is not just what we do or what we don’t do.  It is our way of looking, our way of thinking that is transformed.
