psalm 96 - even nature praises God - 21st week tuesday
We continue to reflect on the psalms, this time psalm 96. Psalm 96 has several things to teach us. First. It is not just the people or the nations that are praising God. Nature is also praising God, the very fabric of creation praises God. The sky, the earth, the seas, the field are all commanded to praise the Lord. In the bible nature, the things around us, has sacred meaning. For example, the mountain because of its height and grandeur symbolizes the place of divine encounter. The rain symbolizes God's care for the earth. The oceans speak of God's immensity and vastness. The waves of the ocean and the roar when it reaches the shore or smashes on the rocks and outcrops, these waves speak of God's power and might. The clouds speak of God's presence, as light also does, as its opposite, darkness, speaks of God's absence. I happened to go to a place where the mountains are so high and so big and the forest so vast they advertise t...