why are the poor blessed - 23rd week Wednesday 2017

Who are these poor whom Jesus pronounced blessed?  Who are these rich to whom Jesus pronounced his woe? Again, let us allow the Eucharist to teach us what the Lord wants to show us by his words.
First, despite the rich decorations of our parish church, despite the splendor and glitter of the golden chalice and ciborium which we use, the Eucharist remains the supper of a poor person – a very simple bread composed of water and flour, and a very ordinary and not even a good wine.
This is to remind us that our master and Lord was a poor person and he has always identified himself in the poor.  St. John Chrysostom reminds us that if we cannot find Christ in the beggar at the church door, we cannot find him in the chalice.  Thus, we are always reminded that our Eucharist should always draw us to recognize, to love, and to serve Jesus in others especially the poor.
Second, before receiving holy communion, we are summoned by the priest saying, behold the lamb of God . . . blessed are they who are invited to the supper of the Lamb.  Supper is the meal after the day is done and so to be invited to join in the supper of the Lamb means that that after our earthly life, we want to be invited to supper with Jesus, to be with God in heaven. This is our goal. It helps to be reminded always of our goal and purpose in life because when the purpose and goal are clear we know what our priorities are. 
Our only goal is heaven and everything else in life should be used to attain that goal.  Riches are not the goal, possessions are not the goal, work is not the goal, prestige is not the goal, health is not the goal – these are all means to attain the goal.  We should not be attached to the means but use them to attain the goal.

This is what it means to be poor and to be blessed then – first, to recognize, to love and to serve Jesus in the poor, and second, to work for our ultimate goal which is heaven, using whatever we have as means to attain our goal.
