grace - 25th week Wednesday 2017
gospel today is not just a reminder to the apostles to bring only what is
essential for their work and ministry but it is also a reminder that all human
effort towards the good that we desire, will always fall short. On our own we cannot do what God wants and we
cannot achieve them relying merely in our own human capacity and ability. We need the grace of God. Jesus is telling
them, don’t rely only in the provisions you bring with you, but rely especially
in God’s help, in God’s grace.
effect Jesus is telling each one of us too in our particular state:
your marriage do not only depend solely on your human capacity to love each
other in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, till death do you
part. Human effort alone cannot achieve
that. You need God’s grace to remain
persistently in love and so ask God’s help.
your work do not rely solely on your ability and the knowledge acquired in
school. Human effort alone cannot make
us achieve or persevere in the good. We
need God’s help and grace.
your apostolate in the parish as catechists, cleaners, ministers or whatever
task assigned to you – human effort alone is not enough to do the work that you
do. You need God’s assistance and grace
and thus you need to ask his help.
prayers of the faithful in the mass is a reminder of our feeble nature, a
reminder that we cannot achieve the good that we desire without the assistance,
the guidance, the grace of God. We are
the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve.
Our nature is fallen. On our own
we cannot become perfect, we cannot persevere in the good, we cannot become
loving as we should. On our own we
cannot reach our goal which is heaven.
In everything we do we need God’s grace.
And thus, we need to start our day with supplications to God and end the
day with thanksgiving.