psalm 102: living in pain and living with gratitude 5th week lent tuesday

Our responsorial psalm today, psalm 102 is one of the seven penitential psalms.  This is one psalm which Pope Francis said we said spend 5 minutes praying every day.  It is a cry of lament, in other words it comes from a sorrowful heart, a heart filled with sadness and suffering.  Thus, this psalm is a protest raised to God, a complaint against God.
What does psalm 102 remind us of?

First it reminds us to accept pain as part of life.  In life we will be hurt.  There will always be frustrations, trials, sicknesses, suffering.  Things do not always come out as we expect them.  Even our relationship with God will not turn out as expected.  That is why if we read the entire psalm included in the prayer are complaints and protest against God – as having neglected his people, as being too slow to hear and to act.  We don't always get what we want.  I think this is a good reminder for all of us.  In the seminary I always make it a point to make our high school seminarians learn this fact of life – that we always don't get what we want, that we should always learn to take no for an answer and that is how we grow to adulthood. We may sulk for a time, we make react in disgust, we may make sunggod because of the no or because of the pain, or because of things we could not understand, but we have to move on with life, we accept it and learn to live with it.  This is what Psalm 102 is reminding us.  Not all our prayers will be heard, we will not be persevered and shielded from pain and suffering.  But we need to move on, to learn to life with whatever life presents to us.  And this is the importance of the second point.
Second in order to learn to live with suffering, pain and so many unmet expectations, desire, wishes and prayers, we need to learn to surrender everything to God. Surrender means to abandon oneself to God's loving care.  Of course, we do what we can but we also need to understand that we can only do so much.  We believe that God has always our good in mind.

Live in gratitude.  Do not live in an environment where all we can see is our lack, our needs, our weaknesses, our deficiencies.  Living in gratitude is to be conscious that God has already provided us with so many things in life.  Only when we have seen life like this can we live generously for others.
