fatima triduum, 1st day: pray!

Today we start our triduum in preparation for the feast of Our Lady of Fatima on Saturday as we celebrate the 100th anniversary of her apparition to the three children.  Our Blessed Mother has basically 3 messages in Fatima – the first is prayer especially the rosary and the first Saturday Devotion.  Second is to make acts of reparation for our sins and the sins of the whole world.  And lastly, the third message is to make an act of consecration to her immaculate heart.
On the first day of our triduum let us reflect on the first message – to pray, to pray especially the rosary and to celebrate mass on First Saturdays.

Appropriately at a time when the world was at war, at a time when religious fervor was waning, at a time when family life was no longer as important, Our Lady appeared to three children in Fatima, Portugal and asked them to pray.  The image of three children praying reminds us of our reality, the reality that the we are powerless against the forces of evil in the world, the reality that left on our own devices we cannot do much, in fact we can do more harm than good, the reality that we need God's help.  That's the first message of Fatima, pray.  Put prayer back into your life, in our homes, in our places of work.  Teach people to pray.  Give people time to pray.
Fatima however is specific.  It asks us to pray the rosary.  The rosary is a powerful prayer.  Why?  Because by praying the rosary we are reminding God that Jesus has done so much for us – he became man and was born for us in the joyful mysteries, he preached the kingdom in the luminous mysteries, he suffered and died in the sorrowful mysteries, and he rose from the dead and sits at his right hand in the glorious mysteries.  By praying the rosary we are reminding the Father that Jesus has already done so much for us.  It's like saying "Father don't punish us otherwise you will put to waste what Jesus has done for our salvation, kanugon sang tanan."  That is why in Fatima the Blessed Mother was specific on what to pray.  She's telling us, remind the Father what his Son has done, pray the rosary, so that he will not destroy what he has created and saved in Jesus.
And lastly, she asked us to go to mass every first Saturday.  Again, our devotion to Mary must lead us always to Jesus, to listen to his word, to be converted by his word, to receive Jesus in holy communion so that we may be transformed and become like him.

In the responsorial psalm today we ask the Lord to let his face shine upon us.  In the book of Ezekiel God promised that he will never again hide his face from his.  God's face shining upon us is his loving care and this is what Mary is leading us back into.
