
My arthritis brings with it not just pain in the joints but a corollary disease which attacks the eyes. I remember one time at the height of arthritis I found out that my eyes became swollen and red and my eyesight began to fail. I could no longer see things well. At night when there is little light I practically could not see anymore and in the dim light of the theatre I was becoming more and more like a blind person. I was so afraid. In fact I was more afraid of loosing my eyesight than loosing a leg and go limp for life. I remembered I was asking God, “Lord pianga lang ko indi lang ko pagbulaga.”

Eyes are very important. The eyesight is very important. In fact it is considered one of the higher senses with hearing. Without the eyes you loose not just an eye but the world and the beauty in it, a beauty people are risking their life diving down the water, for what – to see. Just to see.

Eyes are also the more truthful communicators. Your lips may suppress a smile, but your eyes can always smile. Your body can pretend to be calm but your eyes will always show fear.

Today our gospel tells us that our eyes are the lamps of our body. If your eye is in good health your whole body will be filled with light. But if your eye is sick your body will also be filled with darkness. Just one lesson I would like to emphasize this morning with our reflection on the use and benefits of our eyes. What is that lesson? Be careful with what you see, be careful with what you watch.

Nudity and pornography can be watched and seen easily nowadays. It is within easy reach. Sometimes you don’t even have to go far or put mirrors under your teachers desk. Sometimes you don’t have to reach it, for it reaches out to you. Remember if your eye is sick, if it craves for things which are not good, then the whole body will be filled with darkness – not just the eye but everything.
Sometimes we use our eyes just to see the ugly things in others. There are eyes that can never see the good people do, only the bad. There are eyes which are more sensitive when searching for the defects and mistakes of other people. They don’t see your face which is bigger but they only see the pimples which attaches itself on your face. They don’t see the beautiful dance, the graceful movements, the superb choreography. But they will see the slip, they will see the mistakes. Remember if your eye is sick, if it sees only the bad in others, if it sees only the negative things in other people, then the whole body will be filled with darkness – not just the eye but everything.

Tonight we will see a performance. Test your eyesight. What do you see? What do you only see? What do you seek to see? It will tell you the state of your soul. Is it suffused with light? Or is it suffused in darkness?
