match mismatch - 2nd week monday 2018

The gospel is about compatibility and incompatibility, a match and mismatch, truth and pretension.  Fasting, like other devotions and rituals in our lives are outward signs of something happening inside us.  Fasting means there is something I need to let go, something I need to excise, something I need to confront within me.  It can be painful, it can be sad, it is uncomfortable.  One does not fast on a wedding day and neither should there be a wedding in a day of fast.  Otherwise there is a mismatch, the outward sign would not jibe with our innermost feelings and intent.  Rituals and real feelings become incompatible, there is a pretension that is happening.

This is a reminder that as followers of Jesus we must always work for the truth.  I cannot give you the sign of peace when in my heart I cannot yet forgive you.  I cannot say yes just for the sake of peace when deep inside I cannot agree with you.  I cannot pretend that everything is alright when it is not.  In everything we always work for authenticity for only then can we become community.
