psalm 95 - our shadow lurks - 3rd sunday of lent
Today in this 3rd
Sunday of lent, in the middle of lent Psalm 95 a royal psalm is read to us. This psalm is familiar to all of us since
this is usually the first psalm recited in the morning. If you notice in the psalm there is a call to
praise, yet there is an admonition, a reprimand; there is worship and honor and
also there is the reminder of temptation and failure. In Israel, these two are combined -
celebration and castigation; joy and penitence; praise and admonition. It is a reminder that even though the water,
the life-giving water of which our readings today are replete today, even
though the saving waters of baptism are given us, life is still at best a
struggle – good but not yet; holy but not yet; devout but not yet; saintly but
not yet.
In ourselves there always
lurks the shadow. In our very selves,
already saved by the Lord, already cleansed in baptism, already confirmed by
the Spirit, already sanctified daily by the holy mass, aided aptly by
devotions, our dark shadow still lurks. That
is what Psalm 25 is subtly telling us, reminding us. There is still in us an enough amount of
stupidity left that will destroy whatever we have built up for years
already. There is still enough kindle to
set this building on fire, there is still enough gunpowder to detonate a house
made of cards.
We have to be on guard at
all times.
And so today we listen to
representatives from the first year to narrate to us the already but not yet in
him and the grace of God that makes all of us whole.