psalm 45 - holiness of god = loved though undeserving - 22nd week saturday 2016

Today we reflect on Psalm 45 this time on its second part.  We encounter once more a profession of faith about who God is for the weak and the poor among us. Psalm 45 says – “the LORD is just in all his ways and holy in all his works.” The Lord is just in all his ways. In its original Hebrew it means that God is just, and his justice is in his mercy for the poor and the weak among us.  God will search the sinner, God will always have a special place in his heart reserved for the poor and those in need and God will always go out of His way to liberate the weak from evil.
Then continuing this thought the psalmist attribute another quality to God – “God is holy in all his works.”  Again in Hebrew this second attribute means that God shows loving kindness even to those who do not have a claim for it.   He loves us even if we don’t deserve to be loved.

These are two divine qualities reserved for the poor and the weak– God’s justice will never tire of seeking the sinner and helping the poor; and God loves even in the underserving.

In the gospel, Jesus said that he is Lord of the Sabbath – the human need takes precedence over rules and laws for Jesus understands our pain, he knows our hunger, the many human hungers that we experience.  Jesus is the face of God, and so we can approach him in our difficulties and needs and say, “Jesus, help me,” for as the psalmist says “the LORD is near to all who call upon him, he hears their cry and saves them.” 
