parientihanay - december 17 2013
I am assigned to the most boring day in this 9 day Aguinaldo masses. This day has the most boring gospel. I have just read a lot of names. In fact the gospel is nothing but names. Many are difficult to pronounce and some I
mispronounced but you never even noticed, and I think you would not even care,
because you are not also familiar with them.
So what does the gospel teach us with all these names? Let me just present some of the lessons in
one. May pari ako nga kilala nga nanamitan
gid sia magpamariente. May mga tawo gid
ya nga nami-an sina, sigurado ko may kilala man kamo. They would trace lineages, they would follow
bloodlines and they would end up concluding “ay parientihanay gali kita” kay
ang apo sa tuhod ni anhing Paula nakapamana sang anak sang bata sang pakatlo ni
anhing mo Celia gani paka-isa ka niya sa apo sa pakatlo. Hay nagalingin ulo mo nagatangotango ka man
bisan wala ka may naintiendihan kon nga.
Sa luyag mo man ukon indi basta parientihanay kamo. I think this is one lesson e should learn
from the genealogy of Jesus – may mga kahimtangan nga sa luyag ta man ukon indi
parientihanay kita. We have a saying –
you can pick your friends but you cannot pick your family. Makapili ka sa imo abyan person indi ka
kapili sang imo pamilya. And this also
happened to Jesus. In his line there are
a lot of success stories, heroes, kings and saints. But there are also personalities that are
better left forgotten, may adulteress, may prostitute, there were kings, really
bad kings who led Israel to the wrong path and there are even those who dirtied
so to say the bloodline because they were married to gentiles.
is what the incarnation is all about.
Jesus did not magically appear. He
was born in a human family with the challenges and triumphs of that family,
with the successes and failures of that family.
grace is powerful, isn’t it? In the
lineage of Jesus the grace of God was more powerful than the adulteries, the
murders, the intrigues, the sins in that family line. The messiah despite all these was born in
that line.
so it can happen to us. We cannot
forever blame our upbringing. We cannot
forever hold responsible our family for our failures. Indi kita ka pili pariente but we can choose
our destiny. We could always allow God’s
grace to lead us and transform us and no amount of sin can ever block the grace
of God if only we allow it.
second lesson is another saying about family, God has no grandchildren. Ang Dios wala nagapang-apo, nagapang-anak
lang. In the genealogy of Jesus many
godly fathers have ungodly sons; many holy fathers and mothers have unholy sons
and daughters. God has no grandchildren
because godliness is not inherited. It
would help to create a religious atmosphere in the home. It would help to teach the children to pray
and give utmost importance to their religious education and formation. It would help to give a good example to the
children. It could make a
difference. But in the end they have to
decide on their own. And parents should
not be frustrated when things do not turn out well, when their children are not
as holy or as dedicated or as faithful as they are. There are things in life that we can pass
on. There are things we simply cannot.
there are things that only they our children could decide on and there are
things only God can give.
might be good to be aware of these realites as we go deeper into advent. Advent is waiting and part of waiting is to
be realistic.
let us be realistic.
number one: you can pick your friends, but you cannot pick your family.
number two: God has no grandchildren.
the end its you, you have to chart your own destiny.