an intriguing reward - 33rd week wednesday 2013

If you follow carefully the gospel the reward given to those who have worked hard, the reward for those who invested time, effort and sweat is quiet intriguing.  The reward for their work is more work, the reward for a work well done is still more work to do.  It is quiet ironic but true.  The king never said – now because you have worked so hard, you can relax, have a free day, drink at Bavaria.  The king did not say that.  Instead he gave them more work.  This is not mine.  This is the gospel.  But isn’t it true?

When I was prefect several years ago I have always insisted that there should be no such thing as a service award or a medal for this and that service at the end of the year.  I have often believed and would like you to believe, that the service we render is the reward itself.  To be given the responsibility is the reward itself.  Because in contrast, people who have no responsibilities will pass this place and this world like chaff blown away not making any difference to the lives of the people they meet and live with.  What indignity is it for people who live off their lives in comfort due the effort of another – pigs are exactly living that kind of life.  But what pride it is to be of service and given a responsibility to make a difference.  To be given a responsibility is the reward itself – because by doing so you are given the chance to do something for the community, and by doing so, you are given the chance to actualize your humanity and dignity.  It is always a matter of honor to be trusted and be given a responsibility - an honor, the reward itself.
