in death we can love and care for ever, Dr. Salvador Aguirre

This morning at 6:30 I concelebrated in a mass to celebrate a birthday.  Then at 9:30 I again concelebrated in a mass that celebrated a golden jubilee to the priesthood.  These are anniversaries, celebrations that mark points of time in the lives of people.  Now in this my last mass for the day I celebrate a mass with you no longer to mark a point in time but to mark an entry into timelessness – an entry into eternity.

These things came to mind this morning as I recalled last night’s conversation with my mother.  While we were seated at table she talked to me about her preparations for leaving us behind – her wishes, her unfulfilled dreams, her unfinished businesses she wanted me to finish.  And as she was saying these things memories keep flashing – past memories of the family, past memories of her strength and her beauty, memories of those wonderful times, carefree times, the beautiful times we had when we were family.  I was speechless and yet I was listening intently.  Time is swift.  Time is unforgiving in its progression.  How I wish I could stop time.  How I wish I could stop it in its march towards death.  But I could not for it would seem that death conquers time.  I could not love forever because death conquers time.  I could not care for you forever because death would eventually catch up with us.
And yet we are afraid of the very thing that can stop time - very afraid in fact.  We see death as the end.  We view death with disdain and fear.  And yet it is in death that we conquer time, when everything in our lives shall become timeless – a time when our love for one another shall no longer be limited by time – a time when our presence for each other can go on and on and on unhindered and unshackled by time.  Though we celebrate anniversaries with joy and laughter, with songs and dances even - for a day, yes, because time would eventually catch up with us.  But in death we enter timelessness and love, which is the reason for our anniversaries, would finally prevail and unimpeded.
That is what we celebrate tonight for Dr. Aguirre.  This is the very reason for Easter for in this season of Easter when Christ conquered death that conquered time we can now live and love forever.  Thanks be to our Lord Jesus Christ.
