it is God who will accomplish: 18th week monday 2012 II

After telling his disciples that he has to suffer and die and after a squabble with Peter who was so disturbed by the prediction of his passion, Jesus felt it necessary to show them his glory in the mountain of Tabor.  We call this event in the transfiguration.  After being permitted to see his humanity with its accompanying suffering and death, Jesus allowed them to see his divinity with its accompanying glory.  But with this order of revelation Jesus is telling them that the cross will precede the glory.  This too is our destiny.
But some people have this wrong notion that this glory is something that can be accomplished in our lifetime.  And so we count ourselves successful when we have material prosperity, happiness, good health and a long life.  And we count ourselves as failures when we have less in life, when we are depressed by too many problems and worries, when we get sick and when we die.  It is a mistake to believe that this life is the best possible life and it is a heresy to believe that this world is the best possible world.  It is a heresy to believe that we can accomplish and perfect every work, every dream, every desire in this world.  Perfection is not the work of man but the work of God.  It is God who will finally rid us of all that is evil.  It is God who will finally root out completely our vices, and everything that enslaves us.  It is God who will finally make our dreams come true.  It is God who will bring us to and grant us perfection. 
