psalm 98: what is new? immaculate conception

Today psalm 98 is read to us.  The psalm exhorts us to sing a new song.  Why should we sing a new song?  What has prompted the psalmist to exhort us to sing a new song.  We sing a new song because God did something new.  A new reality must have a new song.  The new reality was something never heard before.  Jesus did miracles, he healed the sick, he cleansed the lepers, he even raised the dead.  So are these the new things needing new songs?  No.  These are not new.  The prophets of long ago also did these things.  So what was new?  Jesus multiplied the five loaves and two fish to feed a hungry crowd?  Is this new?  No.  The prophet Elisha also did that before.

So what is new?  This is new. The word was made flesh and dwelt among us.  In his love for us Jesus, the Word, accepted suffering and death on the cross for our salvation.  He did this to each one of us so that all of us may be forgiven and all of us may be made once more the Father's sons and daughters.  But before he did this to each one of us, he did it first for his mother.  Jesus suffered and died too for Mary his Mother so that she might be immaculately conceived, untouched by sin and full of grace as the angel said in greeting her.  That way Mary can become a fit dwelling place for him who will be born for our salvation.   Mary became the first fruit of Jesus' redeeming love, and after her, we followed. Nothing like this was ever heard of before.  This is new.  And this new reality must have a new song. Thus psalm 98 is read in the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception as it will be read again on the Solemnity of Christmas.  It is in these two days especially that we are told to sing a new song.  Why? Because nothing like these have ever been seen or heard before.
And so what is there for us, then?  Jesus is always making something new in our lives.  Every time you say to yourself in front of a difficulty, I believe I can do this, then something new is happening, something old is being left behind.  When you do certain things you never thought you can do before, then something new is happening and something old is discarded.  Sang una nagahibi pa ni ang mga grade 7, subong they are able to stand on their own.  Sang una may iban sa aton nga irreponsable pa, pabaya, pawala bisan sa ila klase, apang subong nag-amat-amat na serioso, nag-amat-amat na hakus sang ila responsabilidad.  Sang una may ara sa aton nga sa pahapos lang, natamaran magpangabudlay, karon they can do their responsibilities and they can be trusted to do bigger things for the community.  Something new is always happening if we allow them to happen, when we allow Jesus to make us new.  This is what Immaculate Conception of our Blessed Mother is reminding us - something new is happening and these new things can only call for new songs, to sing a new song to God.
