transformed by what we eat - 23rd week saturday 2014
controversy of eating meat offered to idols is dealt yet again. This time Paul compares it the
Eucharist. We become what we eat. That is why the word to describe eating meat
offered to idols or eating the bread and wine offered in the Eucharist is to
participate – we participate in the meal, meaning we become one with what we
eat. Today we substitute the word
participation with communion, we receive communion, meaning we become one with
what we eat.
of this understanding the passage in today’s first reading from the first
letter of Paul to the Corinthians has produced a lot of commentaries on what this
participation in the body of Christ implies.
St. John Chrysostom whose feast we celebrate today would comment on this
passage saying, "What in fact is the bread? It is the body of Christ. What
do they become who receive Communion? They become the body of Christ." This is what eating the Eucharist means – we
become the body of Christ, we become a communion, a community.
before all of us can become the body of Christ, before we can become a
communion, St Augustine says these words which he placed on Jesus' lips to
describe what happens in Communion: "You
will not change me into you as happens with bodily food; rather, you will be
changed into me" We have to become
what we eat, to allow the Lord to transform us to himself.