the fourth stone - closing remarks acquaintance

Tonight we have welcomed our new brothers from the grade VII, from the pre-college and from the special Philosophy.  We have also welcomed Fr. Maynard who will join us in the formation team starting this year.  We have also welcomed our new teacher Sir Bernie and also our new auxiliary personnel, Hubert.  Tonight this is the beginning of our getting to know each other.  Now it is just faces and names and addresses.  When the grade seven had their retreat they were made to go around and had all of us including priests and personnel sign up in their notebooks with our names and work. In the weeks and months to come we will come to know stories behind those faces and names.  This acquaintance is simply to acquaint us with one another, initially, but this will not make us community yet.   It will take some time for that to happen.  It is my hope then that we go beyond fun, that we go beyond faces so that we can become a real community.  This is the fourth stone.  We are a communion.  We are not alone.  We should not feel alone.  We are not left alone.  No one should be left alone.  This is also what gave David courage.  He was visiting his brothers in the army when he saw the giant of a man named Goliath.  He was supported by the king of Israel and cheered on by the army.  He knew he has good backing.  He knew he got people whom he could fall back on.

However, this is one stone we cannot pick by ourselves on the brook.  This stone is handed to us, through the assurance of the community, through their support, through the pat on the back that you receive when you do well, through their affirmations, and also when they call your attention because you have done something wrong.  This is one stone that the community offers to you.  You just don’t pick it up.  You have to earn it and you have to be trusted enough to receive it. 
Now you have seen one side of our community, our gregariousness, the fun that we can do together, the laughter that we share, the joy that we exude, the happiness of brotherhood.  This is just one of the many aspects.  And you will discover that, as you go along in the weeks and months and years that will follow.  This is your fourth stone, the stone which is your community.  Treasure that well, because many a giant in your life will be slain because your community is at your side. Good night and thank you.
