Jesus listen even to our embarrassing prayers ...16th week thursday st. james the greater 2013
gospel in this feast of St. James the Greater tells us three things about how
Jesus reacts to our prayers and petitions.
First Jesus is very interested in what we would have him do for us,
even, as in the case of James and John outrageous things, or things we would be
too embarrassed for other people to hear.
Just the
same Jesus is interested with them.
Second, when we ask for something it
would seem that Jesus would test our willingness to suffer for what we asked
for – “Can you drink the chalice that
I am going to drink?” Are you willing to suffer for it? Are you willing to sacrifice for what you ask
for because it is that important for you?
To show the willingness to suffer for what we ask.
lastly Jesus gives us the answer to our prayer in relation to the purpose of
the Father. In the Our father it is good
to note that before we asked for anything else we first asked that God’s will
be done on earth as it is in heaven. We
expect our prayers to be answered in as much as it serves the purposes of
God. That should be clear to us even
before we ask for anything – that we expect that our prayers will be answered
when it would serve the purpose of God.