the truth, the source of courage - 2nd week wednesday

For several days now the gospel of Mark tells us in quick succession the many opposition Jesus has to face especially among the leaders of the Jews.  His teachings were questioned and so were his actions.  For two days in a row now he was accused of violating the rule of the sabbath rest.  And yet he persisted.  In fact he could have done these healings more discreetly, but again he did it in public right in front of the synagogue especially now that the pharisees were present in the front row.

Here one could not help but admire the persistence of Jesus even in the face of opposition.  He did not seek safety, he did not hide, and neither did he tone down by reasoning the implications of his actions. He showed them that he was determined to confront a dangerous situation right on its face.
Why?  Because Jesus believed he has the truth, he knew that he was standing on the truth and was defending it. 
Persistence can only happen when we know that what we are seeking, what we are insisting, what we are defending is the truth.  Real courage can only come when we know that the principles on which we stand is the truth.
Today let us pray that like Jesus we too may be courageous and persistent.  And it can only be so when we are convinced, when our conscience convinces us that we are standing and defending the truth.
