welcome home - acquaintance program 2016
as we officially welcome to our home our Grade 7 brothers, our grade 11 brothers,
a brother undergoing the bridge program, and our new faculty we pray that the
warm welcome we have accorded them may make them feel at ease, at rest,
appreciated and at home.
is where you feel you are safe. Makasala
ka man, maakigan ka man, and yet you know and you are in fact assured that you
are accepted, loved, appreciated and forgiven.
As I often say, reprimand if there is a need to reprimand; be angry if
there is a need to be angry – that is still formative. But do not hate, because when you hate, kon
may kaugot na sa imo tagipusuon, then you could no longer see goodness in the
person, and when you could no longer hope for goodness in that person, whatever
you do is no longer formative.
is where you feel you are safe.
is also relationship. Relationships does
not come overnight. It cannot be created
and completed in one acquaintance program.
It takes time. It is a
process. Probably we start a few meters
apart and then each day, each week we start to take tiny steps toward each
other. It will take a month, perhaps a
year or even years, when we at last begin to see each other eye to eye. The amount of time we spend with each other, the
amount of time we waste with each other will determine the width and height and
depth of that relationship. That is why
our presence is important, working together, eating together, playing together,
talking nonsense together, laughing together.
Formation is relational. It is
not enough to give conferences or sermons or holding classes anymore. Probably the high school would notice, that
when they take my hand to bless, they would feel that their hair is pulled one
way or the other or they feel a tap or even a thump on their skulls and
foreheads. I am not being cruel. It is my way of saying "I notice you, I don't
just see you, I notice you, I know you" and I am giving you my 5 second
attention as I walk pass down the hallway.
My way of assuring you that you are at home and very familiar to me.
have our many ways of showing this to each other but the fact is, it is the
amount of time we spend with each other that makes us at home with each other. Home is relationship and only then when things become relational can we
truly form.