celebrating smallness/littleness - bday of BVM 2015
We continue to reflect on our first reading today, this time from the book of the prophet Micah. Our reading has in reality a prior verse which was for whatever reason omitted by the liturgy. The omitted verse says, “ Marshal your troops now, city of troops, for a siege is laid against us.” That’s the first verse and from there follows our reading today, “but you Bethlehem-Ephrathath.” Jerusalem was threatened by enemies from all sides and so the prophet Micah shouted at the top of his voice – “marshal the troops.” It was a call to arms rousing the people to join in the fight against the enemies and this cry was addressed to Jerusalem which was referred to by the prophet as the city of troops, the city of armies, of soldiers, of generals and commanders. So on the one hand there was a shout “marshal the troops, in Jerusalem the city of troops.” But on the other hand (and this is where our first reading begins) there was this feeble and ...